Thursday, 28 June 2012

Is Weakness and Unconsciousness normal during pregnancy?

Most of the pregnant women feel weak and extreme fatigue when they get pregnant. You might also be one of those and must be concerned about its treatment. The first thing you need to know is that these symptoms are of anemia during pregnancy.
Mild or moderate symptoms of anemia are just normal and experienced by twenty percent of the pregnant women. If these symptoms grow into chronic ones then it needs to be treated. Anemia is the name of the condition in which the pregnant women get deficient of the iron which is being desired by the body. Why it happens in pregnancy? It happens just because the baby draws in all of the quantities of iron from her mother leaving mother anemic. Anemia during pregnancy is all normal in the first trimester but you need to take care if you start feeling unconsciousness. This shows that your condition of anemia is turned into chronic one. How I get to know that I am anemic? This might be the concerning question but the simple answer is that the given symptoms of weakness, fatigue and unconsciousness are sign or indicator of anemia. You can get prevention by adding iron rich food into diet.
Bleeding during pregnancy may lead to ectopic pregnancies. This means pregnancy which is out of uterus or in the fallopian tubes.  Bleeding during all stages of pregnancy is not normal except the early one or two months. If a pregnant woman bleeds heavily then she might get unconscious as well and there might not only anemia to be the cause behind. Is bleeding during pregnancy normal? Bleeding could be considered normal if it is light and in the first trimester of the pregnancy. Placental implantation takes its place which is the reason of light spotting during pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy if get active and heavy then don’t try to stop it by inserting tampon into your vagina.
Braxton hicks contractions are the false labor pains which starts appearing in the second or third trimester of the pregnancy. Why these contractions appear? These contractions are natural and a healthy sign but it could not be normal if these contractions are too frequent. This means if you start feeling these contractions more than four in an hour then it is not normal. Do seek the advice of your midwife. Some of the features of these contractions are: infrequent, irregular, non-rhythmic and unpredictable. Braxton hicks contractions feel like after having sex or if you are suffering from the condition of dehydration.
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