Monday, 9 July 2012

How to Choose Best Foods during Pregnancy?

Getting pregnant does not mean to eat more but in fact it means to eat more wisely. There are number of ways for having nutritious diet like eating parental supplements of vitamins and minerals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and many more.
How to choose best foods during pregnancy? Your health care practitioner may give a list of best foods but it is best to seek guidance from some nutritionist. Eggs are good source of proteins and vitamins and must be present in the pregnancy diet. For more than twelve vitamins and minerals are present in an egg. Every cell of baby is made up of protein so its need is more than usual. Salmon is a source of omega 3 fats. Unlike other fishes, it contains less or low quantities of methyl mercury. This is the name of the compound which could be dangerous for the nervous system of the baby. Healthy eating for pregnancy also includes beans which are enriched source of proteins and are packed with fiber inside. Pop corns and whole grains are also good as they contain fiber, selenium, vitamin E all these help in protecting developing cells. Omega 3 fats are present in rich quantities inside walnut which is important for the growth of developing baby’s brain. Leafy and dark green vegetables are loaded with nutrients, vitamin A, C and K and folate inside.
Spotting is one of the complications of pregnancy and one of its causes is poor diet. By improving diet, spotting during pregnancy can be cured as sometimes it may lead to miscarriage when it is heavy. Women who are pregnant are at higher risk if they are already with certain complications like infections in the tubes, previous experience of ectopic pregnancy, and pelvic surgery in the past. Spotting during pregnancy first trimester is normal but if it exceeds to second and third trimester then it is not normal. In ectopic pregnancies, bleeding is one of the main sign or symptom. Other signs include, pain in the area of abdomen, reduced levels of HCG, and vaginal bleeding.
Routine blood tests during pregnancy can be helpful in knowing the accurate cause. Blood tests of first trimester must be done in order to catch any of the complications at its earlier. Rh factor test is being conducted in order to know either baby is positive or negative. If baby is positive then antibodies form and would attack red blood cells. Injections of immunoglobulin are inserted at twenty eight weeks of pregnancy as it helps to prevent the condition to happen.  Iron levels of baby are also checked as if they are low then it is the sign of anemic condition. Also, rubella tests are administered in order to measure the immunity. If you are not vaccinated from rubella or German measles then you need to get vaccinated.  

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