Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Importance of Eating Nutritious Meals during Pregnancy

The importance of eating nutritious meals cannot be underestimated as almost all of the pregnant women need more protein, vitamins and minerals like folic acid and iron. If you are pregnant and having a poor diet then you need a transition in your diet plan.
According to an estimate, for about three hundred more calories are required to be taken in daily pregnancy diet during first and second trimester. In the third trimester, the need even rises up to 450 calories. If you are overweight or an underweight then the ratio may vary and the best way to determine the number of calories intake is to consult your health care provider. Avoid having unpasteurized milk, cheese, alcohol, caffeine, high mercury fish and raw or undercooked meat. In diet for healthy pregnancy, add prenatal vitamin supplement as they meet all of the nutritional needs of the baby and the mother. They must contain folic acid, choline, iron and calcium. If you cannot swallow vitamins then you can switch to chewable supplements.
The health of the baby can be determined by taking certain tests in the first trimester of the pregnancy. You can keep having routine blood tests during pregnancy but they are vital in the first trimester to be administered. They are part of antenatal care and must be done before there raise any complications. Mainly they are done to know your blood group and either you are Rh positive or negative. Other tests include hemoglobin tests for determining the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Rubella test for checking the immunity to diseases, hepatitis B and HIV tests are also done in order to check either baby is at risk of these viruses or not.
If you are eating healthy diet and still bleeding or spotting during pregnancy then it could be the sign of certain complications. It depends on number of factors as well; if there is light spotting during pregnancy then it is all normal because of placental implantation. This means embryo is getting implanted into the uterus wall lining. Active blood spotting during pregnancy is not a good sign as it may lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or preterm birth of the baby. Majorly, bleeding or spotting is the sign of miscarriage.
Consequently, eating healthy is good which can prevent from number of health issues and one of which is spotting. Sometimes diet is not the cause of spotting but it is one of the causes that can be settled. Routine blood tests are best way to determine the health of the fetus and the mother.  

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