Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Common Issues Faced During Pregnancy

When a woman gets pregnant, there are certain common issues of health that might erupt but there is no need to take worry as they can be treated simply by adopting some measures.
Anemia is faced by most of the expecting mothers. Why it is so? You might be thinking this but the fact is that fifty percent of the blood increased when a woman get pregnant. Unfortunately, the iron is not present in most of the women iron stores. That is the reason why they get anemic in the first trimester. Anemia during pregnancy can be overcome by having iron rich diet. According to the estimates, for about fifteen milligram of the iron intake must be by any female. For pregnant women, for about thirty milligram intake is important. This ratio suggests that it is not only possible by simply having the diet rich of iron but you have to do some extra measures which means taking iron supplements available over the counter.
Another common health problem faced is bleeding during pregnancy. If you are pregnant and bleeding in your first trimester then it might be due to placental implantation of embryo. This is quite common and no need to worry. Is it normal to bleed during pregnancy? No, you need to worry when you are bleeding heavily and especially if you are bleeding after crossing the thirty seven weeks of pregnancy. The reason is that this might lead to miscarriage as bleeding is one of the main causes of the miscarriage. How to avoid bleeding during pregnancy? Wear pad and notice in how much quantity you bleed. If bleeding is exceeding from light to heavy then consult your midwife.
Braxton hicks contractions are felt when a woman enters in the second or third trimesters. These are the practice contractions that are the reason why they are named as the false labor pain. Those women who get pregnant for the first time may get confused in the real and false labor pains. False labor pain is irregular and can be controlled y just changing positions like by simply having a walk may ease down the contractions. The duration for which false labor pain stays is also shorter that is thirty seconds to one minute. In comparison to real, they are more frequent and proceed from light contractions to high. By having smaller meals in the pregnancy helps in avoiding the contractions. Also, drink ten to twelve glasses of water in order to avoid dehydration as it causes contractions of the muscles of the uterus as well.   

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