Tuesday, 29 May 2012

What Are The Causes For Low Birth Weight?

Low birth weight of the baby could be due to poor diet, multiple pregnancies, and chronic diseases, usage of caffeine, alcohol, and smoking. The daily diet of the pregnant women must be enhanced so that she can keep good health of her fetus.
Baby weight is not considered normal if it is less than five pounds and eight ounces. Such low birth weight babies are more prone to catch health problems or diseases.   According to one of the medical studies it has been found that every one out of twelve babies born with low birth weight in United States. Why this is so? Low birth weight causes could be numerous like drinking alcohol and smoking. Alcohol and smoking constricts the blood vessels and halt the proper supply of blood and oxygen to the baby via placenta. Along with them, multiple pregnancies could also be the prime reason behind low birth weight. If a woman is carrying more than one baby then she needs to eat more and eat healthy.
Along with low birth weight, Nausea during pregnancy is one of the pregnancy complications which are more common in the pregnancy first trimester. It is just common and can easily go off by having simple remedies. Eat dry crackers in the morning when you wake up. This will help to do away with the nauseated condition in the pregnant women. Avoiding alcohol and caffeine also helps. You might be thinking what causes nausea during pregnancy? Nausea could be due to hormonal changes in the body which are rapid. Progesterone hormone could be the cause of nausea during pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting conditions are interrelated and must be treated as sometimes if dehydration occurs then it might lead to low birth weight of the baby.
Low birth weight of the baby could be due to poor diet. Pregnancy diet must be balanced and must include each and every essential. The pregnant women must remember that she needs to eat for two. The diet must contain proteins, vitamins, minerals, folic acid, iron and more of the calories. In diet for healthy pregnancy, the pregnant women is required to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking as both are not considered good for the health of the fetus. Consume fish for about twelve ounces in a week which means two servings in a week is enough as recommended by FDA.
So, low birth weight of the baby could be due to number of reasons as discussed, it could be due to multiple pregnancies, nausea and vomiting if they get severe, and due to poor diet and bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking extensively. The reason is that chances of miscarriages increases when a pregnant woman smokes or drinks alcohol.

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